Team Libraries

If your Activ package includes the Teams module, the File Manager’s functionality is extended to enable you to manage individual Libraries for each team you have recorded within your system. These Libraries are housed in the Records and Controlled Documents tabs, and function as sub-Libraries to these areas.

Both the Records and Controlled Documents Library are provided with a Global Library and a Company Library (named after your system) when the Teams module is enabled and at least one team is recorded within your system. The Global Library houses any folders or files that were in your system prior to you creating your first team, and will also house any new files that have not been tagged to a specific team. If no teams have been added to your system, you will continue to see the default Library views until a team is created, and will not have access to a Global or Company Library within these areas.

Activ will automatically create a new blank Library within Records and Controlled Documents for each team you add to your system. These team Libraries are equipped with additional security controls that limit access to each sub-Library, allowing you to ensure that your users can only access the files belonging to Teams they are directly above or part of. Access to team Libraries is automatically given according to the following rules:

  • All users can view the Global Library, regardless of what team they are part of. However, a user’s permissions to the Global Library will be controlled by one of two areas:
    • The normal File Manager permissions area, if the user is in the main Company Team.
    • The Global Team Permissions area, if the user is in a child team.
  • Users cannot view the Libraries of teams that are above or adjacent to them in the team hierarchy.
  • Users cannot view the Libraries of teams that are ‘children’ of teams that are adjacent to them in the team hierarchy.
  • Users can view the Libraries of all teams that are below them in the team hierarchy, as long as the ‘child’ team can be traced directly back to the user’s own team.

In all cases, the specific actions available for each team Library are controlled by the user’s Records and Controlled Documents system permissions. This means that a user who can view a team Library can only modify that Library if they have ‘Edit’ or ‘Admin’ permissions to the applicable part of the File Manager module.

See Team Hierarchies, Global Team Permissions, and System Permissions for more information about Library permissions, and View the Records or Controlled Documents Library for guidance on viewing individual team Libraries.

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