When the Human Resources module is enabled within your system, Activ provides you with a series of HR-specific tabs that are designed to help you manage your employee records, HR requirements, and day-to-day HR administration. Amongst these tabs are a set of pages that are designed to help you manage your employees’ attendance. Each employee within your system is equipped with their own holiday, lateness, and absence records to allow you to record both authorised and unauthorised absences, and to track work time that is lost as a result of late arrivals. In addition, Activ allows you to configure individual work patterns for each employee and to record company-wide closures, helping you and your managers to verify when individuals should and shouldn’t be working. This information feeds into an automatically updated Holiday Calendar and daily/weekly Absence Record to provide you with full visibility of planned and unplanned absences, and a series of graphs and reports are available to help you analyse company-wide and employee-specific data.
This user guide covers the Human Resources tabs that are related to your employees’ holidays, lateness, and absences. These are:
Holidays (global tab) – provides you with the ability to configure public holidays (and other company-wide closures), and to review and approve holiday requests. All approved holidays are automatically marked within the area’s Calendar, helping you to ensure that all teams are adequately staffed throughout the year.
Holidays (employee records) – allows you to configure an employee’s individual working patterns and holiday allowances, and provides a record of all previous holiday requests (regardless of current status). In addition, this tab allows employees to review their remaining holiday allowance, and to create new holiday requests (if they have the appropriate permissions; see Employee Permissions: Control a User’s Access to their own Holiday Record).
Absences – allows you to record your employees’ unplanned absences, and analyse attendance across the company, or for individual employees. This tab includes automatic Bradford Factor analysis, which can be configured through the Settings tab (see Configure Holidays, Lateness, and Absences).
Lateness – allows you to record any instances of, and reasons for, lateness, and to identify any trends or ongoing issues. This area includes reports that summarise the frequency of late arrivals throughout the past year, and the total amount of work time lost as a result.
In addition, the guide covers the Settings options that are available to configure the dropdown menus that are relevant to these areas.
For guidance on other areas of the Human Resources module, see: