If you have ‘Administrator’ permissions for the Tasks module, you can edit details for each Certification Audit Plan and Surveillance Audit Plan that is live in your system. To do this, click on the Edit button within the appropriate Audit Task Plan tile.
The Audit Task Plan’s details will be opened in edit view. The Audit Type and Standard fields are automatically set and cannot be edited. The four following fields can be edited:
- Manager*, which enables you to choose who is responsible for the Audit Task Plan.
- Stage 1 Audit Date*, if you are editing a certification audit and the audit date has not been confirmed.
- Stage 2 Audit Date*, if you are editing a certification audit, the stage one audit date has been confirmed, and the stage two date has not been confirmed.
- Audit Date*, if you are editing a surveillance audit and the audit date has not been confirmed.
By default, new Certification Audit Plans are assigned to your system Administrator upon their creation. You can re-assign an Audit Plan to any other user with ‘Admin’ permissions for the Tasks module by selecting their name in the Manager* dropdown. However, this will not re-assign any of the associated Audit Tasks: these will need to be re-assigned individually (see Re-Assign or Edit an Audit Task).
Any new Certification Audit Plans will be assigned provisional Stage 1 and Stage 2 Audit dates. If necessary, you can change these dates using the Calendar icons to the right of the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Audit Date fields, but if you have a BABActiv System it is important to remember that:
- Neither date can be changed once the BAB Dairy Team has marked them as ‘Confirmed’
- The Stage 2 date cannot be changed until the Stage 1 date has been confirmed.
You will also be able to adjust the date of a Surveillance Audit using the calendar icon next to the Audit Date field, as long as this date has not been confirmed by the BAB Diary Team. Once dates are confirmed they are locked to prevent confusion over the day of your Audit.
It is important to note that Activ will automatically reschedule your open Audit Tasks if you adjust your Stage 1 and Stage 2 dates. If you set these dates to an earlier time then previously on-target tasks may be marked as overdue as a result of this rescheduling.
Click Save when you have made your desired changes. You will be presented with a warning message reiterating that your open Audit Tasks will be rescheduled, and prompting you to confirm that you accept this change. Once you click Ok you will be taken back to the ISO Certification Manager page, and the tile of the Audit Task Plan you have edited will be updated to display your changes.