Business Risk Manager Fields Explained

Fields marked * are required and must be manually entered.  Fields without the asterix * are optional.

Code – automatically generated unique identifier for each new Issue (risk or opportunity) that is recorded.  Codes are generated sequentially and cannot be changed.

Status* – this shows the current status of the Issue.  When a new risk or opportunity is first added, it is automatically given the status ‘Open’.  Other options are ‘Closed’ and ‘Cancelled’.  Select the appropriate option using the drop-down list.

Issue Type* – use the drop-down list to select the type of Issue: ‘Risk’ or ‘Opportunity’.

Source* – use the drop-down list to specify whether the source of the risk/opportunity is ‘Internal’ or ‘External’.

Summary* – enter a short description of the risk/opportunity (Issue)

Details – the option to enter a more detailed description of the Issue

Category* – select the category of the Issue.  The categories available in this drop-down list are configurable via the Settings tab within Business Risk Manager.  See Configure the Business Risk Manager Details Form via the Settings Tab

Site – the option to record the site that the risk/opportunity (Issue) affects.  This field may not be present if Sites not enabled for this module.  Your Activ system allows you to create a common list of sites for use in forms across the system.  See Configure the Business Risk Manager Details Form via the Settings Tab.  Once the list has been created, you have the option to enable the Site field for Business Risk Manager, to record the Site that the Issue affects, offering another useful way to group and analyse Issues.  See Enable / Disable the ‘Sites’ Field in Forms.

Company – (only present if you have the Customers & Suppliers module).  If the Issue relates to a company in your Activ system, record this here.  Select the company by clicking on the magnifying glass to the right of the field and then clicking the radio button next to the relevant company name.

Private?* – if you select ‘Yes’ here, the risk/opportunity (Issue) becomes private.  Only the person who created the Issue can change its private status or grant others access rights to view it.  To those without access rights, private Issues appear with the words “This is a private risk/opportunity” in the list of Issues on the Register tab.  See Restrict Access to a Risk/Opportunity – Private Issues.

Owner – the option to assign overall responsibility for the Issue to an individual.  When a person is selected here, the Issue is assigned to them and a next review date needs to be set.

Next Review Date* – (becomes available only if an Owner is specified).  This date serves as a prompt for the Issue to be reviewed by the Owner.  Provided they have set their preferences accordingly, the Owner will be advised by immediate alert e-mail when an Issue is assigned to them and will be reminded as the Target Review Date approaches via their regular Notifications PDF.  See Business Risk Manager Alerts and Reminders.

Affected Areas – tick the area(s) of your management system that are affected by the Issue.  The options available are configurable via the Settings tab within Business Risk Manager.  See Configure the Business Risk Manager Details Form via the Settings Tab

Interested Parties – tick the party or parties that are associated with the Issue.  The options available are configurable via the Settings tab within Business Risk Manager.  See Configure the Business Risk Manager Details Form via the Settings Tab.

Created On – the date on which the Issue was first logged.  This is automatically generated and cannot be changed.

Created By – this field is automatically populated with the name of the user who initially logged the Issue and cannot be changed.

Closed On – (only present for Closed risks/opportunities) this field is automatically populated with the date on which the Issue’s status was changed to ‘Closed’.

Closed By – (only present for Closed risks/opportunities) this field is automatically populated with the name of the person who changed the Issue’s status to ‘Closed’.

Cancelled On – (only present for Cancelled risks/opportunities) this field is automatically populated with the date on which the Issue’s status was changed to ‘Cancelled’.

Cancelled By – (only present for Cancelled risks/opportunities) this field is automatically populated with the name of the person who changed the Issue’s status to ‘Cancelled’.

Significance Assessment: Without Controls Applied (optional)

In this section you have the option to assess the significance of the risk/opportunity in the absence of any controls.

Likelihood – select the assessed likelihood of the Issue materialising, in the absence of any controls.  The options available in this drop-down menu are configurable via the Settings tab within Business Risk Manager.  See Configure the Business Risk Manager Details Form via the Settings Tab.

Impact – select the assessed impact of the Issue on the organisation, should it materialise, in the absence of any controls.  The options available in this drop-down menu are configurable via the Settings tab within Business Risk Manager.  See Configure the Business Risk Manager Details Form via the Settings Tab.

Significance – automatically calculated rating of ‘Low’, ‘Medium’ or ‘High’, based on the selections made in the Likelihood and Impact fields.  The bandings used to classify Low, Medium and High are configurable for your organisation via the Settings tab within Business Risk Manager.  See Configure the Business Risk Manager Details Form via the Settings Tab.

Controls (optional)

Use this optional section to specify links to control measures that you have in place to manage the risk/capitalise on the opportunity.  Create links to items in Controlled Documents, Records, Processes, other Activ pages, any external URL, Improvement Logs, Companies, Employees and append files from outside Activ (Attached Files).  Simply click on Add Control to create a new hyperlink.  You can re-order the links by dragging and dropping.

If you want to enter a free text description of a control, rather than link directly to a control, use the External Resources option.  Enter a brief title for the control in the Text* field and the enter up to 1000 characters in the Description field.  Once the risk/opportunity is saved, you can view the free text description by hovering over the Title of the control, or by clicking on it.

Significance Assessment: With Controls Applied (mandatory)

In this section, assess the significance of the risk/opportunity given the controls that are in place.  You may have specified the controls in the optional Controls section above.

Likelihood* – select the assessed likelihood of the Issue materialising, given the controls that are in place.  The options available in this drop-down menu are configurable via the Settings tab within Business Risk Manager.  See Configure the Business Risk Manager Details Form via the Settings Tab.

Impact* – use the drop-down menu to select the assessed impact of the Issue on the organisation, should it materialise, given the controls that are in place.  The options available in this drop-down menu are configurable via the Settings tab within Business Risk Manager.  See Configure the Business Risk Manager Details Form via the Settings Tab.

Significance – automatically calculated rating of ‘Low’, ‘Medium’ or ‘High’, based on the selections made in the Likelihood and Impact fields.  The bandings used to classify Low, Medium and High are configurable for your organisation via the Settings tab within Business Risk Manager.  See Configure the Business Risk Manager Details Form via the Settings Tab.


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