Configure the Business Risk Manager Details Form via the Settings Tab

Some fields in the Business Risk Manager module’s Details form have drop-down lists from which you can select one appropriate option.  Other fields have check boxes to allow you to select one or more options in response.  Most of these lists are configurable: you can modify, add or delete the options available in the drop-down lists and checklists to tailor your Activ system to match your organisation’s exact circumstances and ensure that the Business Risk Manager module evolves as the needs of your organisation change.   

Settings for Business Risk Manager are managed on the Settings tab.  To access the Settings tab, you need to have ‘Admin’ system permissions for Business Risk Manager.  

The configurable fields are:

  • Affected Areas
  • Categories
  • Interested Parties
  • Likelihoods (Opportunities)
  • Likelihoods (Risks)
  • Impacts (Opportunities)
  • Impacts (Risks)
  • Significance
  • Sites

For specific guidance on the Likelihoods, Impacts and Significance fields see Calculation of Significance Rating for an Individual Risk/Opportunity.

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