View your own Record

All Activ users are automatically provided with their own record within their company’s system. This record gathers key data about each individual into a single location, making it easier for their information to be viewed and managed by the appropriate members of staff. Depending on your company’s Activ package, this record will consist of either:

  • The standard user record – this consists of the Login Permissions and Notifications tab; or
  • The HR record – this is provided when your package includes the Human Resources module, and acts as an ‘add-on’ to the normal user record. The HR record consists of a set of HR-focused tabs that will appear in addition to the standard tabs.

In most instances, you will only be able to view your own user record. In addition, your access to your record will be controlled by your system permissions, and it is likely that most elements of the HR record will be hidden from you view. See the following articles for more information:




To view your own record, click on the My Details item within Activ’s main navigation menu.

Activ will automatically open your record on your Login Permissions tab.

Alternatively, click on the arrow icon to the left of the navigation menu’s My Details item. This will open a sub-menu of the parts of your record that you have permission to access. Click on the appropriate item to open your record on the corresponding tab.

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