View the History of Changes to a Private Folder’s Access Rights – Change Log

Activ automatically logs every change that is made to a Private folder’s Access Rights. A complete audit trail of these changes can be viewed by opening a Private folder’s Access Rights tab and clicking on the Change Log button.

This tab records key data relating to previous Access Rights changes. There are filters available at the top of the page to help you narrow down the results if required. The data displayed is:

Changed By – the username of the person who changed the folder’s access rights.

Changed Date – the date and time that the change was made.

By Proxy? – normally, this column will show ‘No’. If your Activ system is supported by a third party, each support member’s user licence is non-chargeable and they will log into your system by proxy rather than directly. In that case, ‘Yes’ will show in the By Proxy? column to indicate the special status of the user. ‘Yes’ may also show in this column if your system administrator has asked a member of the Activ Support team to log into your Activ system to provide assistance. The By Proxy? column is provided to give 100% traceability of who did what and when.

User – the username of the person whose Access Rights were changed.

Previous Access Rights – the previous Access Rights held by the user.

New Access Rights – the user’s newly assigned Access Rights.

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