View an Incident Log

To view the details recorded for any incident, open its Log by clicking on it in the list on the Register tab of the Incident Log module:

You will be taken to the chosen Incident Log’s Details tab where the basic details are displayed:

You can now view additional information by clicking on the various tabs: witness statements (Witnesses), photos (Photos), linked files elsewhere in Activ (Linked Files), files attached from outside Activ (Attached Files), associated Improvement Logs (Improvement Logs) and the audit trail (Change Log).

Alternatively, at the click of a button, the full Incident Log can be converted to a PDF file, enabling all the information from the tabs to be viewed as one document and printed and saved outside the Activ system.  Click the PDF button on the Details tab to do this.  See Create a PDF File of an Incident Log for more detail.

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