View an Agreement Compliance Audit

All agreement audits are listed on the Audits tab within Agreements Manager.  If necessary, you can filter the list using one or more of the criteria at the top of the tab.  Open an audit by clicking on its name in the Audit Title column:

The complete information relating to an audit is housed on 5 tabs:

Dashboard – key metrics and audit progress data are displayed here

Scope – the administrative properties of the audit are displayed and managed here.  Note that after an audit is first created you can edit its Basic Details, but it is not possible to edit the Scope of Audit and Options.  Editable fields can be accessed by clicking on Edit.  See Edit / Modify an Agreement Compliance Audit’s Administrative Properties and Scope.  A PDF file of the complete audit report can be generated by clicking on PDF Audit Report.  See PDF Agreement Compliance Audit Report.

Findings– this tab lists all the individual requirements included in the audit and serves as the gateway into the audit “form” to conduct the audit.  See Step 2 – Conduct an Agreement Compliance Audit: Review Requirements, Evaluate Compliance and Record Findings.  Hover over the Requirement column to preview any individual requirement.  Click on a requirement to view its full details and access its audit record.

Linked Improvement Logs – lists all Improvement Logs associated with the audit

Linked Tasks – lists all Tasks associated with the audit

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