View an Agreement

To view an individual agreement, click on its Title in the list on the main Agreements tab.  The agreement opens, with all related information housed on up to 8 tabs:

Properties – the basic administrative properties of the agreement are displayed and managed here

Definitions – any definitions that apply to the agreement are displayed and managed here

Requirements – the individual component requirements of the agreement are displayed and managed here.  You can view only section headings (Contract All) or display all sections and clauses (Expand All).  Individual sections can be expanded or contracted by clicking on the blue section title bar.

Audits – for reference, this tab lists all audits that include one or more requirements from this agreement.  Shortcut to any listed audit by clicking on its Title in the list.

Linked Improvement Logs – for reference, any Improvement Logs that are associated with the agreement are listed here.  Shortcut direct to any Improvement Log by clicking on its Summary in the list.

Linked Tasks – for reference, any Tasks that are associated with the agreement are listed here.  Shortcut direct to any Task by clicking on its Summary in the list.

Access Rights – (only present if the agreement is private and only visible to the user who created the agreement).  The access rights given to specified individuals to the private agreement are managed here.

Timeline – summarises the changes made at each new published version of the agreement and gives access to all previous versions in full.

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