When the Human Resources module is enabled within your system, Activ provides you with a series of HR-specific tabs that are designed to help you manage your employee records, statutory HR requirements, and day-to-day HR administration. Amongst these tabs are the Training pages, which help you record and manage your employee’s existing Skills and ongoing training needs. Each employee within your system is equipped with their own Training Record that provides a summary of their current training, the training’s level, and when the training was passed, booked for, and due to expire. In addition, Activ provides a set of notifications that can be used to alert your employees of their upcoming training, and your managers of their employees’ expiring training (see Training Alerts and Reminders).
This user guide covers the Human Resources pages that are involved in managing your employees’ training. These are:
Training (main register) – provides an overview of the training that is currently held by your employees, and allows you to batch-update training when an individual Skill applies to multiple individuals.
Training (employee records) – houses each individual’s Training Record, providing you with oversight of the Skills they currently hold.
Settings – allows you to configure your system’s training menus (see Configure Training).
For guidance on other areas of the Human Resources module, see:
- Human Resources: General User Guide
- Human Resources: Personnel Management User Guide
- Human Resources: Appraisals User Guide
- Human Resources: Holidays, Absences, and Lateness User Guide
The Training tab includes two subpages. These are:
Search – allows you to search all employee Training Records for specific Skills. See Search All Employee Training for more information.
Current Skills – provides you with an overview of the Skills that are currently held by your employees. See View All Current Employee Training for more information.