The Pending Review Tab – Overview

Once a Supplier Assessment has been fulfilled (i.e. completed and submitted), it is automatically given the ‘Pending Review’ status and moved to the Supplier Assessment area’s Pending Review tab. This acts as a ‘holding area’ for all Assessments that have been fulfilled but still need to be reviewed by an appropriate member of your company to confirm whether the Supplier is suitable for use.

Supplier Assessments that have been moved to this tab are automatically locked for all forms of editing that are not directly related to the review process, meaning that:

  • it will not be possible to modify any of the responses within the Assessments in this area; and
  • it will not be possible to modify the properties of the Assessments within this area.

If the Assessment needs to be re-opened so that the Fulfiller can add additional information, you will need to make use of the ‘Request More Info’ feature within the Assessment’s review form.

It is important to be aware that only the assigned Reviewer will have the option to review the Assessment once it has been submitted, and that you will not be able to modify the assigned Reviewer from within the Assessment’s properties whilst it is in the ‘Pending Review’ state. Instead, you will need to make use of the Batch Re-assign feature within the Pending Review tab if you need to change an Assessment’s reviewer (e.g. because the current assignee is away or has left the company).

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