The Pending Fulfilment Tab – Overview

With the exception of Assessments that use an Auto-Approved template, all Supplier Assessments that you create will initially be stored within the Supplier Assessment area’s Pending Fulfilment tab. This acts as a ‘holding area’ for any Assessment that is currently in the ‘Pending Fulfilment’ stage, and may include:

  • newly scheduled Assessments for new prospective Suppliers;
  • future reviews for previously Assessed Suppliers;
  • partially completed Assessments that have not yet been submitted for review; and
  • Assessments that were previously submitted, but have been reopened to attain further information.

Due to the variety of states that Supplier Assessments in this area might be in, this tab is primarily useful for tracking and searching your Assessment due dates, and, if required, re-assigning batches of Assessments to a new fulfiller (see Reassign Supplier Assessments to a New Fulfiller).

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