The Completed Tab – Overview

Once a Supplier Assessment has been completed, it is automatically given the ‘Reviewed’ status and moved to the Supplier Assessment area’s Completed tab. This tab acts as a repository for all Assessments that have been fulfilled and reviewed, and for which no further actions need to be taken.

Supplier Assessments that have been moved to this tab are automatically locked for all forms of editing, meaning that:

  • it will not be possible to modify any of the responses within the Assessments in this area;
  • it will not be possible to modify the properties of the Assessments within this area; and
  • it will not be possible to modify any of the review findings for the Assessments in this area.

Supplier Assessments are held in this area for referencing purposes only, to allow you to easily demonstrate that your critical Suppliers have been assessed at appropriate intervals. If the information within an Assessment is no longer accurate, you will need to create a new Supplier Assessment to obtain an updated record.

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