Teams is unique in Activ in that its main features are not contained within one area of your system, it cannot be trialled within a live system (see Trial Modules), and it impacts almost all other modules that are within your system. It effectively behaves similarly to an ‘add-on’, introducing an extra layer of security to the other modules that are within your package. When Teams is enabled within your system Activ will automatically limit what each user can view and edit, allowing you to ensure that your users are only accessing the information that is relevant to them. These limitations are applied based on:
- The user’s current Team
- The Team’s position within your system’s hierarchy (see Team Hierarchies)
- The user’s Global Team Permissions (see Global Team Permissions); and
- The user’s main System Permissions (see System Permissions).
To summarise:
- All users will be able to view any content that has the ‘Global’ tag, but will be unable to modify that content unless they are in the Company Team (see Team Hierarchies) or have appropriate Global Team Permissions for the area that the content is stored in (see Global Team Permissions).
- Users will be able to view and access any content that is tagged to their own Team or to one of their Team’s Child Teams (see Team Hierarchies).
- Users within Child Teams will be unable to view or access any content that is tagged to a Parent Team or to an Adjacent Team (see Team Hierarchies).
- A user’s permissions to content that has been tagged to their Team or to one of their Child Teams is controlled by their normal System Permissions (see System Permissions).
Teams does not overwrite a user’s normal permissions: it merely limits the content (e.g. files, Processes, Improvement Logs, etc) that is accessible to the members of each Team. If a user can access a given Team’s content, they will be able to interact with that content as would a standard ‘Read Only’, ‘Edit’, ‘Admin’, or ‘Export’ user.
When Teams is enabled within your system, Activ organises the content of your modules into a series of Team-specific ‘Libraries’. The content of each Library is unique to the individual Team, allowing it to be managed entirely separately to the content assigned to other Teams. In addition, there is no limit to the number of Teams you can add to your system, and each new Team will automatically be given its own unique Library for its content to be stored within (see Create a Team). However, it is important to be aware that the Team dropdown menus throughout your system will be exchanged for a popup Team picker if you exceed 30 Teams (see Viewing Team Content when your System Exceeds 30 Teams).
Upon enabling Teams, Activ will immediately add one Team and two Libraries to your system. These are:
- The ‘Company Team’, which will share your system’s name and act as the Top Parent Team within your Team Hierarchy. All existing employees (including users) will be included within this Team when you enable Teams, and all new employees (including users) will default to this Team unless they are assigned an alternate Team on their creation (see Add an Employee to a Team / Move Employees Between Teams for guidance on assigning Teams to your users).
- The Company Team’s Library, which is typically used to store Management or Head Office content that should be accessible to directors, but not to other users.
- The Global Library, which stores all content that is not tagged to a specific Team, and that needs to be visible (but not necessarily editable) to all users who have access to a given module. Any content that was within your system prior to enabling Teams will be stored within this Library until you tag it to a specific Team (see the appropriate module’s user guide for information on how to move content to a new Team).
It is important to be aware that Teams will impact the entirety of your system, and that all content will remain tied to its Team even after you disable the Teams feature. As such, careful consideration should be taken before you activate this module, and it is recommended that you trial the module within a dedicate trial system before adding it to your main system. You can request a trial via the Activ Sales Team.
Your system’s Team structure is managed entirely from the Teams tab within the System Administration area, and access to the tab itself is controlled using the Administrator permissions area (see System Permissions).
Each Team’s record consists of two tabs: Details and People. A brief explanation of each tab’s use is provided below.
Details – provides a record of the Team’s name, direct Parent (if applicable), and address. This tab also includes a register of any Child Teams that are associated with the Team.
People – lists the employees that have been assigned to the Team. This tab includes all applicable employees, regardless of whether they have a login to your Activ system.