System Notices (‘Update Notices’) – Overview

Note that some parts of this article may not be relevant if you purchased your system through a Reseller, as Resellers specify which Update Notices (i.e. System Notices) their clients should or should not receive.

The MyActiv Technical team periodically produces dedicated Update Notices to keep you informed of key changes that have been made to the Activ platform. These Notices provide a summary of each change that has been made, and signpost you towards new and updated features. In addition, where appropriate, they will also signpost you towards the help guides that are associated with the updated areas, to ensure that you can easily find guidance on how to use the relevant features.

Update Notices are typically written when:

  • a large or significant change has been made to an existing Activ module;
  • a new module or significant feature has been introduced to Activ;
  • a batch of smaller changes or additions have been made, where those changes are likely to be of interest to a significant proportion of Activ’s users; and
  • (more rarely) when there is a need to advise you of a significant piece of news that impacts the Activ system and/or all users of the system.

Each new Notice will be published directly to your system alongside or shortly before the update, and will be stored within the System Notices area of the System Administration module. This area will also be marked with a Yellow Star on both its tab and within the main menu whenever it contains new (i.e. unarchived) Notices, to help identify the fact that there are new Notices available for you to review. In addition, if you are a System Administrator and have the appropriate notifications enabled, Activ will send you an automatic email notifying you of the Notice’s release, and signposting you towards it.

All Update Notices will be permanently stored within your system once they have been published, and can be downloaded and viewed at your leisure. In addition, to help you keep track of which Notices you have and have not read, Activ allows you to Archive each Notice after you have viewed it. This will hide the Notices from your default view of the System Notices page, but will not remove them from your system.

Note that, as an additional feature, most Activ systems that contain the File Manager module will also be provided with copies of Update Notices that were published prior to the system’s creation, enabling you to view some of its development history. In very old systems this history is likely to be complete, whilst in newer systems these notices will go back as far as June 2020. You can find this history within the Activ Updates folder in your Records Library. Note that only Update Notices created before your system’s creation will be stored here; all newer Notices will be stored within the System Notices area.

Also note that you will receive all Update Notices that are published for Activ, regardless of whether they relate to modules that are included in your package. This is because:

  • the most common type of Update Notice is for ‘batches’ of enhancements, which typically include features for multiple modules;
  • some new features may make a module that is not in your package more useful to your organisation than it was previously; and
  • providing you with all Update Notices ensures that you are kept fully updated on the platform’s ongoing development.
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