Supplier Assessment Response Types

When you are creating questions for your standard Supplier Assessment templates, you will be given the option to specify what type of response should be provided by your Suppliers when they are answering the question. These response types are pre-defined by Activ, and can be selected from the following eight options:

Short Text – suitable for questions that require a brief response. This option provides the Supplier with a one-line notes box that they can use to enter their answer.

Long Text – suitable for questions that require a lengthier response. This option provides the Supplier with a self-expanding notes box that the Supplier can use to enter their answer. Note that there is no upper character or line limit for this response type, meaning that the Supplier can enter as much or little information as is needed.

Numeric – suitable for any question that should be answered with a number.

File Upload – suitable for use when the question requires the Supplier to upload one or more files (e.g. a copy of their certificate). This will provide the Supplier with Activ’s standard file upload field.

Date – suitable for use when the Supplier should answer with a date (e.g. an expiry date for a certificate). This will provide the Suppliers with Activ’s standard calendar field, which they can use to make their selection.

Yes / No – suitable for use when the question requires a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ response. Note that if you select this response type against a question and it is a ‘parent’ question (i.e. is not itself a conditional question), then you will have the option to create additional conditional sub-questions associated with it (i.e. questions that will only appear if ‘yes’ is selected, and questions that will only appear if ‘no’ is selected).

URL – suitable for use when the question requires the Supplier to enter a URL (e.g. a link to their privacy policy).

Custom List – allows you to create a list of custom response options that can be selected by the Supplier (e.g. a list of desirable ISO Standards or policies). Your custom list will be displayed to the Supplier in a checklist format, and you will be able to use the question’s Allow Multiple Responses? field to specify whether they can select multiple options from the list, or only one. Note that if you select this response type against a question and it is a ‘parent’ question (i.e. is not itself a conditional question), then you will have the option to create additional conditional sub-questions associated with it (i.e. questions that will only appear if a specific option is selected).

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