Search a Folder

For convenience, Activ provides a search functionality for all folders that you add to your Libraries. This can be used to search individual folders for files that you know they contain, but are unable to see within the full file structure.

To search a folder, open the folder and click on its Search Folder tab.

This will open a register of all files that the folder and its subfolders contain. This register displays key details about each file, including when it was created, last modified, and whether it is locked (denoted by a padlock to the far right). It will not include any files that are stored within Private subfolders that you do not have Access Rights to, and it will not display the subfolders themselves.

Use the search fields at the top of the screen to locate the file you are looking for.

Note that the Name field can be used in two ways:

  • To locate files that have the search phrase at the beginning of their name. This is the default search setting and is used when you enter search phrases without Activ’s wildcard. E.g. searching for ‘business’ will return ‘Business Risk Register’ and ‘Business Context and Critical Requirements Management Procedure’, but will not return ‘Processes and Business Risk Management Procedure’.

To locate files that have the search phrase anywhere in their name. This is used when you enter search phrases with Activ’s wildcard. E.g. searching for ‘%business’ or ‘%business%’ will return ‘Business Risk Register’, ‘Business Context and Critical Requirements Management Procedure’, and ‘Processes and Business Risk Management Procedure’.

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