Revoke (Delete) a File’s Share Link

In some cases, you may find that you have a need to revoke an existing file share link – for example because it was sent to the wrong recipient, or was created in error. To support this, Activ allows you to delete active share links at any time, removing them from your system and preventing any recipients from downloading the file should they follow the link.




To revoke a file share link, open the file on its Sharing tab. Activ will open a register of all currently active share links that have been generated for the file.

Locate the appropriate link within the register, and click on the red cross displayed to the right of the record.

Activ will prompt you to confirm whether the share link should be deleted. Click on OK, and the link will be removed from your system, automatically invalidating any instances of the link that may have been sent to other parties. This will prevent the link from being used by any further users, although it cannot undo any uses that may already have occurred.

Note that you can only delete share links that are currently active; you cannot delete the records for links that have already expired. Also note that revoking a share link permanently deletes the link from your system, meaning that it can never be used again, and also will not appear within your file sharing history. As such, if a share link has already been used, it is typically recommended that you do not revoke it, so that you can maintain an accurate sharing history.

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