Reassign Supplier Assessments to a New Fulfiller

In some cases, you may find that you need to assign one or more Supplier Assessments to a new Fulfiller to ensure that they are completed within a timely manner. This is particularly likely if you are completing Assessments internally, rather than sending them to the Supplier to complete. To facilitate this, Activ allows you to:




Reassign an Individual Supplier Assessment

To reassign a single Supplier Assessment, open the Assessment on its Details tab and click on the Edit button.

All fields will open for editing. Use the dropdown menu to set a new user against the Assigned Fulfiller field, and then click Save.

The Assessment will be assigned to your selected Fulfiller, and Activ will automatically notify them that they have been assigned to the Assessment (if they have the appropriate notifications enabled).




Reassign a Batch of Supplier Assessments

For convenience, Activ provides you with the ability to reassign a batch of Supplier Assessments to a new Fulfiller with one action. To do so, open the Supplier Assessments area on its Pending Fulfilment tab, and use the tick boxes to the left of each record to select the Assessments that you wish to reassign.

Once you have made your selection, use the Reassign Selected Assessments To field at the bottom of the screen to select the new Fulfiller, and then click Reassign.

The selected Assessments will be assigned to your selected Fulfiller, and Activ will automatically notify them that they have been assigned to the Assessment (if they have the appropriate notifications enabled).

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