People – Overview

The People tab houses a register of all the employees that have been recorded within your system, and summarises some of the key employment details related to each individual. It provides you with an overview of your workforce, allowing you to get a snapshot of your current staff from one location. In addition, it allows you to view both your current employees and those who have left your company, helping you to maintain and review historic data as your organisations grows.

Note that there are two types of employee that can be recorded in your system, and both are included within this tab. These employee types are:

  • No-Login Employees – these individuals are recorded within your system for HR administrative purposes, but do not themselves have access to Activ (see Add an Employee via HR – No Login).
  • Users – these individuals have their own Activ User Licences and login details, allowing them to sign into your system and access any content for which they have the appropriate system permissions (see Add an Employee – With Login).




The People tab may include up to three subpages. These are:

List – this is the tab’s default page, and houses your register of employees.

Equal Opportunities – this provides a simple report of your workforce’s genders and ethnicities, assisting you in meeting your statutory reporting requirements. See Analyse Ethnicities: The Equal Opportunities Register for more information.

Religion Report – only available if Religious Reporting is turned on within your system. This page provides a simple report on your workforce’s religions, assisting you in meeting your reporting requirements where you are required by law to report on religion. Contact the Support Team if you need this feature to be enabled within your system. See Analyse Religions: The Religion Report for more information.