PDF an Employee’s Training Record

If required, an individual employee’s Training Record can be converted into a PDF for saving and printing outside of the Activ system. The properties of these PDFs can be managed via the Branding tab in the System Administration module (see Branding – Your Company Logo and PDF Headers and Footers).

To PDF a Training Record, open the employee on their Training tab and click on the PDF button.

The PDF button’s behaviour may vary slightly depending on you web browser and its settings. In some cases, you may get a popup window or new tab that previews the PDF and from which you can save or print the file, whilst in others the PDF may automatically download to your default downloads location.

Note that the PDF function will only work if the computer you are using has access to PDF software that is compatible with your web browser. If your computer does not have the appropriate PDF software, your web browser will not be able to download the file.

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