Incident Log Fields Explained

Fields marked * are required and must be manually entered.  Fields without the asterix * are optional and default to “n/a”.

Incident Code* – automatically generated unique identifier for each new incident that is recorded.  Codes are generated sequentially.  Depending on your system settings this field may be locked (see Configure the Incident Log Details Form via the Settings Tab) or it may be possible to manually over-write the number in this field, but Activ will not let you assign a number that is already assigned to another incident within Activ.

Raised Date – automatically populated with the date that the incident was first logged; non-editable

Raised By – automatically populated with the name of the person (Activ user) who first logged the incident; non-editable

Accident Book No. – the option to enter an internal reference, such as an Accident Book number, relevant to the incident.

Status* – the current status of the Incident Log.  When a new incident is first added, it is automatically given the status ‘Raised’.  Subsequently, the status can be changed during editing.

Summary* – enter a short description of the incident, e.g. “Chemical spill in zone A of factory”.

Date / Time of Incident* – enter the date and time that the incident occurred.

Location* – enter a short description of the place where the incident occurred.

Incident Category* – use the drop-down menu to select the appropriate category of incident.  An ‘Accident’ is any unplanned event that results in injury or ill-health to people, or damage or loss to property, plant, materials or the environment or a loss of a business opportunity.  A ‘Near Miss’ is any event that could have resulted in an accident or any set of conditions or circumstances that have the potential to cause an accident to occur.  The Incident Categories available in this drop-down menu are configurable via the Settings tab within Incident Log

Type* – use the drop-down menu to select the broad term that best describes the nature of the incident e.g. ‘Environmental Impact’.  The incident Types available in this drop-down menu are configurable via the Settings tab within Incident Log.  

Sub-type* – use the drop-down menu to select the term that best describes the sub-type of incident.  This gives an additional layer of detail below the broad incident Type already selected.  The options available here are contingent upon the selection made in the Type field.  For example, if the Type selected was ‘Environmental Impact’, the Sub-types available will be relevant to that Type, such as ‘Chemical Spill’, ‘Carbon Emissions’ etc.  The Sub- types available in this drop-down menu are configurable via the Settings tab within Incident Log

Person Type* – use the drop-down menu to select the category of person affected by the incident.  If nobody was affected, select ‘None/Other’ here.  The Person Types available in this drop-down menu are configurable via the Settings tab within Incident Log.  

Name of Person* – if the Person Type selected was ‘Employee’, use the drop-down menu to select the name of the person affected by the incident.   If the person affected was a contractor, visitor or other third party, enter their name in this field.  If nobody was affected and ‘None/Other’ was selected in the Person Type field, enter ‘n/a’ here.

Incident Site – your Activ system allows you to create a common list of sites for use in forms across the system.   Once the list has been created, you have the option to enable the Incident Site field for Incident Log, offering another useful way to group and analyse Incident Logs.  See Enable / Disable the ‘Sites’ Field in Forms

Incident Description* – enter a detailed description of the incident.  This field is self-expanding and will allow several paragraphs to be entered.

Investigator – the option to assign a person to take responsibility for investigating the incident.  The person assigned will be alerted by e-mail.  Provided they have selected the appropriate options in My Details: Notifications the Investigator will be notified of the responsibility by immediate e-mail alert.  See Incident Log Alerts and Notification E-mails.

Target Date* – set a Target Date for completion of the investigation.  

Investigation Results – the option to enter the details of any investigation carried out in response to the incident.  This field is self-expanding and will allow several paragraphs to be entered.

Severity* – use the drop-down menu to select the appropriate degree of severity of the incident.  The following table provides a guide to the degree of severity appropriate to the most commonly occurring incidents.  If your organisation has its own guidance, use that instead.  The options available in this drop-down menu are configurable via the Settings tab within Incident Log

Type Severity Detail
Injury/Ill health Minor Local first aid required
Injury/Ill health Serious Hospital treatment required
Injury/Ill health Reportable Reportable to Enforcement Agency
Injury/Ill health Major Single fatality/multiple person hospital treatment or Chronic/terminal illness
Equipment/Plant Damage Minor <1 day downtime
Equipment/Plant Damage Serious >1 day downtime or Repair Cost >£10,000
Equipment/Plant Damage Reportable Reportable to Enforcement Agency
Equipment/Plant Damage Major Total replacement/repair cost >£100,000
Environmental Impact Minor Impact only on the work area or <1 day cleanup
Environmental Impact Serious Impact on many work areas or >1 day cleanup, noticeable outside site boundaries
Environmental Impact Reportable Reportable to Enforcement Agency, breaches site boundaries
Environmental Impact Major Long term environmental damage, inside or outside site boundaries
Transport Minor Nuisance complaint from 3rd party
Transport Serious Damage to 3rd party property
Transport Reportable Reportable to Enforcement Agency, RTA
Transport Major Fatality/major transport route closure


Likely Recurrence – use the drop-down menu to select the likelihood of such an incident recurring.  The options available in this drop-down menu are configurable via the Settings tab within Incident Log

Primary Cause – use the drop-down menu to select the primary cause of the incident.  The options available in this drop-down menu are configurable via the Settings tab within Incident Log.  

Secondary Cause – use the drop-down menu to select the secondary cause of the incident.  The options available here are contingent on the primary cause given in the Primary Cause field.  The options available in this drop-down menu are configurable via the Settings tab within Incident Log.  

Hazard Type – use the drop-down menu to select the type of hazard that caused the incident, for example ‘Confined Space’ or ‘Environmental/Weather’.  The options available in this drop-down menu are configurable via the Settings tab within Incident Log.  

Hazard Source – use the drop-down menu to select the source of the hazard that caused the incident.  The options available in this field are contingent on the selection made in the Hazard Type field.  For example, if the Hazard Type was ‘Fire’, the Hazard Source might be ‘Electrical Supply’.  The options available in this drop-down menu are configurable via the Settings tab within Incident Log.  

Reportable?* – select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ here to indicate whether the incident is subject to mandatory reporting to any government agency.  For example, in the UK, was the incident reportable to the HSE in accordance with the RIDDOR Regulations?  In most countries, only accidents are reportable, not near misses.

Agencies Notified – if the incident is reportable (‘Yes’ in Reportable?* field), use the tick-boxes to select the relevant agency or agencies.  The options available are configurable via the Settings tab within Incident Log.  

Emergency Services Attending – if applicable, use the tick-boxes to select the emergency service(s) that attended the incident.  The options available in this drop-down menu are configurable via the Settings tab within Incident Log.  

Risk Assessment Review Completed?* – select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to indicate whether a review of the risk assessment for the relevant area has been carried out and completed.

Dated – if a risk assessment review has been completed, select the date of the review.

Assessment No – if a risk assessment review has been completed, enter the reference number or details here.