Export Legal Compliance Records

To extract or back up your legal compliance audit data outside of Activ, there are three options:

  • Generate a PDF of the full audit – on the audit’s Properties tab, click on PDF Audit Report. See Create a PDF File of a Legal Compliance Audit.
  • Generate a PDF of applicable requirements – on the audit’s Individual Requirements tab, click on PDF Displayed Requirements
  • Export applicable requirements to a .csv file – on the audit’s Individual Requirements tab, click on Export

PDF Displayed Requirements generates a PDF file of the applicable legal requirements, reproducing the entire compliance record for each (including assessed Status, Notes, Linked Evidence, Attached Evidence, and Resources).  If you have applied a filter you can create a PDF file of only the filtered requirements using this button.  If you have not applied a filter this button will produce a PDF file of all requirements.

Export generates a .csv file containing the details of all the applicable legal requirements, the assessed Status and Notes.

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