As standard, Activ automatically maintains an audit trail each time a new version of a file is uploaded to the system. A new file added to the system is assigned the code ‘1’ on its Properties tab. If this file is subsequently replaced by uploading a new version, Activ automatically records this event and the file’s Properties tab will show that the current file is version 2, and so on. Note that the version information is recorded on a file’s Properties tab only. The file itself (contents or filename) is not “stamped” with any version information so unless you have included version information within the file’s contents before uploading it the version information is not available when the file is printed or viewed. See Update a File – Upload a New Version for guidance on this feature.
An additional optional feature is available in the Controlled Documents library – Automatic Document Stamping – that automatically “stamps” the file with version information when a new version is uploaded. This version information will appear in a file’s header and/or footer and each time a new version is uploaded the header/footer will be automatically stamped with the updated version information.
By default, Automatic Document Stamping is disabled in your system. See the Automatic Document Stamping User Guide for more information about this feature.