Delete a Public (Not Hidden) Process

To delete a Process, open the Processes module on its Register tab. This will open a list of all Processes (barring Hidden Processes) that are recorded in your system.

Locate the appropriate Process within the Register, and then click on the red cross to the right of its record.

A popup message will appear asking for confirmation that you wish to delete the Process. Click Ok, and the Process will be removed from the register.

Note that deletion of Processes cannot be undone. Once this is accepted, the Process will be permenantly removed from your system and you will not be able to retrieve it.

If you wish to remove a Process from the Register (e.g. because the Process is no longer relevant) but do not want to delete it (e.g. because it may become relevant in future), then Activ provides you with the option to ‘hide’ it by converting it to a ‘Hidden’ Process Type. Hidden Processes are identical to their not-hidden counterparts but, by default, are not displayed on the Processes Register. See Hide a Process – Hidden Types for more information.

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