Change the Status of an Improvement Log

The six possible statuses for Improvement Logs are relatively self-explanatory:

  • Raised – the preliminary status, automatically assigned when an Improvement Log is first added, indicating that an issue has been raised but that no further action has yet been taken.
  • Under Review – shows that the relevant person is currently reviewing the details of the Improvement Log but has not yet determined the next step. This status may be by-passed.  You can move an Improvement Log’s status straight from Raised to Approved, Closed or Cancelled.
  • Approved – confirms that the follow-up action to find and address the root cause has been agreed with the relevant person. This status may be by-passed.
  • Closed – denotes that the follow-up action has been taken and the matter is concluded. Closed Improvement Logs can no longer be edited.
  • Awaiting Effectiveness Assessment – this status is automatically assigned at the point when an Improvement Log is closed and the option to set up a formal effectiveness assessment of the actions taken is selected. Improvement Logs awaiting effectiveness assessment cannot be edited further.  Only the Effectiveness Assessment portion of the form is available.
  • Cancelled – assigned when, following investigation, it was decided not to follow up on the matter, perhaps because there was insufficient cost-benefit or because there was a mistake.  Closed Improvement Logs can no longer be edited.

To change the status of an Improvement Log, open it by clicking on its Summary on the Improvement Log – Register tab:

On the Improvement Log’s Details tab, click on Edit to open it for editing.  Then, to change the status, click on the drop-down list to the right of the Status field and select the appropriate condition:

Click on Save to confirm the changes.


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