Calculating the Costs of Individual Jobs

To assist you with the long-term management of your Jobs and Job Schedules, Activ includes a set of fields that automatically calculate the costs that are associated with each of the Jobs within your system. When properly utilised, this information will be made available to you from:




Configuring Costs

Each individual Job that is added to your system will automatically be populated with four cost-related fields that are used to calculate the overall expense of the Job. The data within these fields is system-generated based on the information that has been entered into the Close Job form and other areas of your Asset Manager, and cannot be modified manually. The fields are as follows:

Labour Cost uses the Cost per hour field within each Engineer’s record and the Actual Time Spent within the Engineers section of the Close Jobs form to calculate the labour cost for the Job. For example, if an Engineer has a cost per hour of £5 and entered 2hrs into the ‘Actual Time Spent’ field when closing the Job, then this field would be set to £10.

Material Cost – calculates the total value of the parts that are used when completing the Job. These values are drawn from the Cost Price field of each selected Item’s Stock Catalogue listing (e.g. if you select two Stock Items that have a Cost Price of £5 each, then this field will be set to £10). Note that this field is only relevant if you are using the Stock element of the Asset Manager.

Subcontractor Cost – uses the Cost field within the Contractors Assigned section of the Close Jobs form to calculate the total cost of any subcontractors that were used to complete the Job. Note that this field is only relevant if your system includes the Customers & Suppliers module.

Total Cost – totals the above fields to provide the overall cost of the Job.




Reporting on Costs

If required, Activ allows you to extract the overall costs of your Jobs from your system using its inbuilt By Asset Report. To use this report to view your costs, open the Report (see Reports: Analysing Job Management) and click on the Show Advanced Search Options text that will be displayed directly beneath the report’s filters.

Activ will expand the filters to display the full list of options. Set the Metrix filter to ‘Cost’, and then click Go.

You will be presented with a breakdown of the Job costs that are associated with each Asset that is recorded within your system.



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