Business Risk Manager Alerts and Reminders

Activ helps you with the management of risks/opportunities logged in Business Risk Manager automatic alerts, notices and reminders that are managed in My Details – Notifications.

Your Regular Notifications e-mail includes two items relating to Business Risk Manager:

  • Business Risk Manager – Modified: Notify me of business Risks / Opportunities assigned to me that have been modified
  • Business Risk Manager – Reviews: Remind me of business Risks / Opportunities assigned to me that are approaching their next review date

In Immediate Alerts there are three options:

  • Business Risk Manager – E-mail me when a business Risk / Opportunity is assigned to me as Owner
  • Business Risk Manager – E-mail me when the details of any business Risk / Opportunity assigned to me as Owner are modified
  • Business Risk Manager – E-mail me when the next review date for a business Risk / Opportunity assigned to me as Owner is modified

You can also choose to include notice of all overdue business risk reviews in your Escalation Report.

See Notifications – Automated Alerts, Notices and Reminders and Escalation Report for full guidance on this feature.

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