Agreement Properties Fields Explained

Fields marked * are required and must be manually entered.  Fields without the asterix * are optional.

Code – automatically generated unique identifier for each agreement that is added.  Codes are generated sequentially and cannot be changed.

Created Date – the date on which the agreement was first added.  This is automatically generated and cannot be changed.

Created By – automatically populated with the name of the user who initially added the agreement and cannot be changed.

Title* – enter the agreement title here

Status* – the current status of the agreement.  When a new agreement is first set up, the status defaults to ‘Draft’, but you can change the status to ‘Live’ if appropriate at this stage.  Subsequently (after first save) the Status of the agreement is changed using specific action buttons that sit below the properties form.  See Change the Status of an Agreement for an explanation of agreement statuses.

Private?* – if you select ‘Yes’ here, the agreement becomes private.  Only the person who added the agreement can change its private status or grant others access rights to view it.  To those without access rights, private agreements appear in the list of agreements on the Agreements tab, but cannot be accessed.  If you wish the agreement is to be hidden from the list altogether, this option is available after an agreement is made private.  See Restrict Access to an Agreement – Private and Super Private Agreements.

Agreement Owner – option to record who has overall responsibility for the agreement by selecting the relevant person from the drop-down list.

Reference – optional free text field to record an internal identifier

Type* – select the relevant category of agreement from the list.  The options available are configurable via the Settings tab within Agreements Manager.  See Settings – Configure Available Parameters and Defaults in Agreements Manager.

Legal Entity* – select the legal entity (within your organisation) that the agreement pertains to.  The options available are configurable via the Settings tab within Agreements Manager.  See Settings – Configure Available Parameters and Defaults in Agreements Manager.  Many organisations are single-entity, in which case you can specify a default legal entity for this field in the Settings.

Legal Jurisdiction* – select the legal jurisdiction within which the agreement applies.  The options available are configurable via the Settings tab within Agreements Manager.  See See Settings – Configure Available Parameters and Defaults in Agreements Manager.

Site – (only present is Sites is enabled for this module) the option to record the site (or business unit) that the agreement pertains to.  See See Settings – Configure Available Parameters and Defaults in Agreements Manager.

Scope – optional free text field to record details on the scope or limitations of the agreement

In Force From – option to enter a date from which the agreement is/will be in force

Agreement End – option to enter the last date that the agreement is in force.  If a date is entered, for ‘Live’ agreements, when that date has passed the agreement’s status automatically moves to ‘Expired’.  See Change the Status of an Agreement for an explanation of agreement statuses.

Obligations End – option to select the last date on which the obligations of the agreement apply (which could be different from the Agreement End date).

Obligations Notes – optional free text field to record/draw attention to any particular detail relating to the nature of obligations that are in force post-termination.

Cancellation / Termination Notes – (only available after the agreement has been at ‘Live’ status) optional free text field to record any particular detail upon termination.

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