Account Settings – Overview

The Account Settings tab gathers your system’s core basic details into a single location to enable you to review and manage them as efficiently as possible. This information is pre-filled by your Reseller or the Activ Support Team when your system is initially built, using the information that you supplied as part of the sales and onboarding process. It includes three key sets of information:

  • Basic Company Details – your organisation’s name, address, and key contact details.
  • System Administration – your organisation’s accounts email, current PO Number, and VAT rate.
  • Globalisation Settings – details regarding your Head Office’s main local, time zone, and currency.

Note that although this data is pre-filled, your organisation’s System Administrators will be able to modify all fields excluding your VAT Rate (which is displayed for reference only). However, it is strongly advised that you contact MyActiv or your Reseller when you need to update your organisation’s name, primary contact, or accounts email, so that they can ensure that all relevant records are updated.

See the following articles for guidance on updating your Account Settings:


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