The Assessed Suppliers Tab – Overview

Once a Supplier Assessment has been completed, the associated Supplier is automatically logged within the Supplier Assessment area’s Assessed Suppliers tab. This acts as a single point of reference for all of your assessed Suppliers, allowing you quickly identify:

  • which Suppliers have been assessed;
  • when they were last reviewed;
  • whether they have been approved; and
  • precisely what products/services they have been approved to supply.

To help ensure that your employees use the correct Suppliers for the correct products/services, the default view of this register will only show those Suppliers who were approved within their last assessment for each product/service. Any Supplier that has been assessed but was not approved will be hidden from the default view of the register, but can still be viewed in this tab using the filters at the top of the screen (see below). Should a Supplier be re-assessed (i.e. reviewed) and their approval status changed as a result of that assessment, they will be hidden or shown according to the results of that re-assessment – i.e. a previously approved Supplier will be hidden if they are rejected in their re-assessment, and a previously rejected Supplier will be displayed if they are approved in their re-assessment.

Note that a new record will be created in this tab for every template that is used to assess a Supplier. This means that a single Supplier can appear within the register multiple times if they have been assessed using multiple different Supplier Assessment templates. This is particularly useful if you use a single Supplier to provide multiple different products and/or services, as it provides you with the flexibility to assess them for each of those products/services separately and to highlight whether they are an acceptable Supplier for one product/service, but not for another. You can also delete Suppliers from this register without removing their previous Assessments or affecting their main Company record, which may be useful if you wish to clean up your register without losing your Assessment history.

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