Subscribe or Unsubscribe to a Topic

For convenience, Activ allows any user who can view a Topic to subscribe to that Topic. Once they have subscribed, Activ will automatically send the user email notifications whenever a reply is posted to the Topic, enabling them to keep track of ongoing discussion.

It is important to note that Activ will automatically subscribe any user who is invited to a Topic by a Forums Admin or the Topic’s creator. However, users have the option to unsubscribe from the Topic at any time, even if they were formally invited to the Topic by its creator or a Forums Admin.




To subscribe or unsubscribe to a Topic, open the Topic on its Details form and set the Notifications* dropdown to either:

  • Notify me by email when replies are posted to this thread. This will subscribe you to the thread. Or;
  • Do not notify me when replies are posted to this thread. This will unsubscribe you from the thread.

Activ will automatically save your selection, and will subscribe or unsubscribe you as appropriate.

Alternatively, use the Notifications* dropdown to select the appropriate option when you are posting a reply to the Topic. Activ will apply your selection when you Save your reply.

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