Training Alerts and Reminders

Activ provides automatic alerts and reminders to help you administrate your employees’ Training Records. These are configured through My Details – Notifications.

Your Regular Notifications email includes two items relating to employee training:

  • Human Resources – All Training – Notify me of expiring Training for any employee (available to users with ‘Edit’ or higher permissions for Human Resources – Training)
  • Human Resources – My Training – Remind me of my booked and expiring training.

If you are an Appraisal Manager, then one further Regular Notification will be available:

  • Employee Training – Remind me of all booked and expiring Training for my employees.

There are no relevant settings within Activ’s Immediate Alerts or Escalation Report.

See Notifications – Automated Alerts, Notices, and Reminders and Escalation Report for full guidance on this feature.

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