Set Your System’s Primary Contact

Activ provides you with the option to set a Primary Contact for your system (or alternatively to set no contact), enabling you to identify the individual who should receive key communications about your system. Currently, this feature is used to specify who will receive automated emails relating to:

  • Expiring module or system trials
  • Accepted trial modules or systems

Your chosen Primary Contact must:

  • Be a registered user of your system
  • Have ‘Admin’ permissions for System Administration: Administrator; AND
  • Not be disabled.

Note that if you choose not to set a Primary Contact, Activ will not send any of the notifications that are intended for your Primary Contact. As such, no one will receive these emails if the field is blank.




To set your system’s Primary Contact, open the System Administration module on its Account Settings tab. This will outline your system’s key details, including your main business address and your current Primary Contact. In some cases this will be pre-set to your Primary User (i.e. the first user who was given access to your system), whilst in others it will be blank.

Click on Edit.

The form will open for editing. Use the Primary Contact dropdown menu to select the appropriate user, and then click Save. Alternatively, if you wish to disable Primary Contact emails then select the blank option at the top of the menu.

Note that only users who meet the criteria outlined above (i.e. System Administrators who are not disabled) will be shown in the list. You will not be able to select any users who do not meet these criteria.

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