Compress a Process

If you have ‘Admin’ permissions to Processes, Activ provides you with the option to compress your Processes and regain storage space within your system. Compressing a Process preserves the latest version of the Process but deletes all previous versions from the Process’ version register, meaning that you will not be able to view or restore these earlier versions. In addition, the latest version of the Process is marked as version one, making it appear as if previous versions have not existed. This feature is most commonly used when a consultant has been assisting you with the initial setup of your system and needs to mark the updated Activ templates as version one.

It is also important to be aware that you will not be able to compress your Process if any of its versions have been linked to an audit within your other Activ modules. This is because audits link to the specific version of the selected Process, rather than the Process itself, and deletion of the linked version (caused by compression) would create a nonconformity within your system.

To compress a Process, open the Process on its Properties tab and click on the Compress button.

You will be prompted to confirm whether the Process should be compressed. Click OK, and the Process’ version history will be deleted, reverting the current version to version one.

Note that Process compression cannot be undone. Once a Process is compressed, its version history will be permanently removed from your system.

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