Disable / Re-Enable a Team

Activ provides you with two options for removing a Team from your system if you no longer have a need for it. These are:

  • Deleting the Team
  • Disabling the Team

This article concerns Disabling and Re-Enabling Teams. For information about deleting a Team, see Delete a Team.

When you disable a Team, the Team will be prevented from showing in dropdown menus when you are tagging new or existing content (e.g. File, Processes, Improvement Logs, etc) to specific Teams. However, the disabled Team will remain associated with its content and employees, and will continue to be available within relevant search filters. In addition, all Child Teams that are associated to the disabled Team will remain within your system, and will be selectable as normal. Disabling a Parent Team does not disable its Child Teams.

All users within a disabled Team will continue to be able to access their Team’s existing content as normal, but they will no longer be able to tag any new content to their Team.




To disable a Team, open the Team’s record (see View Disabled Teams) and click on the Disable button.

The Team will be hidden from the main Teams register and will no longer be available for selection when tagging content to Teams.

If you subsequently need to re-enable the Team, open its record and click on Re-activate.

The Team will return to the main Teams register and will be available for future selection.

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