The Controlled Documents Library

The Controlled Documents Library is a core part of the File Manager and may come with a pre-set folder structure and a set of template files that correspond to your ISO Standard(s). If necessary, you can customise the folder structure to match your company’s needs by creating, moving, or deleting folders within the register. In addition, Activ allows you to manage permissions for the Controlled Documents Library separately to the rest of the module, enabling you to strictly control access to this Library without limiting access to the rest of the File Manager. This may be particularly useful when you need to provide most of your users with access to the Records Library whilst limiting access to Controlled Documents.

The Controlled Documents Library is intended for files that need to be controlled for compliance or other business purposes, and that are expected to undergo periodic or regular formal reviews. This includes files such as policies and procedures, training or equipment logs, and order or approval forms. These files are also expected to accrue multiple versions over time, and typically require these versions to be closely controlled, with an audit trail of when and why each version was created. For convenience, this audit trail is provided within all file Properties throughout the File Manager module, with all new versions automatically logged against each file.

To enable even tighter file control, the Controlled Documents Library offers an optional Automatic Document Stamping feature. This feature stamps specified version control information into the headers and footers of your Controlled Documents at the point of upload, ensuring that all future downloads of your Controlled Documents will contain accurate version information. See Document Version History and Automatic Document Stamping for more information.

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