Analyse Feedback Surveys: Reports

The Customers & Suppliers: Feedback area provides reports that can be used to help you analyse the Feedback that you receive from your Feedback Surveys. However, it is important to note that Activ cannot analyse data from questions that are not ratings-based, as these lack underlying scores for your system to compare.

Four reports are available:

To view your system’s reports, open the Customers & Suppliers: Feedback area and click on the Reports tab, then select the appropriate button. All report sections are paired to their own set of filters, which can be used to customise the information that is summarised and the date range to be drawn from. In addition, reports are generated on a by-template basis, meaning that data is only compared for those Feedback Surveys that are based on the same template. Use the Survey Template* filter in each section to select which set of Feedback Surveys should be analysed.

Activ also allows you to extract Feedback data from your system using the Export button at the bottom of each section. This button will download a CSV file to your computer, enabling you to perform your own analysis of the data. If necessary, you can also save each report as a PDF using the PDF button.




By Owner

The Reports tab will automatically open on the By Owner section. This report analyses the data by Feedback Survey owner, and provides a percentage-based breakdown of the responses recorded across all Feedback Surveys that each individual is responsible for.

By default, the section’s report includes all users who currently own a Feedback Survey. However, the following options are available to enable you to customise the results of this analysis:

  • Where*, which allows you to specify whether to filter by received date or created date.
  • Is Between/And, which allows you to specify a date range for the analysis.
  • Question, an advanced search option which allows you to filter the data by a specific question within the selected template.
  • Team, an advanced search option that is available if you have the Teams module, and that allows you to analyse Feedback Responses by Team.




By Question

The By Question section analyses the data by the individual questions that are within the selected Feedback Survey, and provides a percentage-based breakdown of the responses recorded across all Feedback Surveys for each question.

By default, this report includes all Feedback Surveys that match the selected template. However, the following options are available to enable you to customise the results of this analysis:

  • Where*, which allows you to specify whether to filter by received date or created date.
  • Is Between/And, which allows you to specify a date range for the analysis.
  • Owner, an advanced search option that allows you to filter by Feedback Survey owner.
  • Client, an advanced search option that allows you to filter by recipient company.
  • Team, an advanced search option that is available if you have the Teams module, and that allows you to analyse Feedback Responses by Team.




By Company

The By Company section analyses the data by individual question and the individual third-party companies who have received Feedback surveys. It provides a record of the responses made by each company to the selected question within the selected Feedback Survey.

By default, this report includes all company and filters by the first question in the selected Feedback Survey. However, the following options are available to enable you to customise the results of this analysis:

  • Question, which allows you to filter the data by a specific question within the selected template.
  • Where*, an advanced search option which allows you to specify whether to filter by received date or created date.
  • Is Between/And, an advanced search option which allows you to specify a date range for the analysis.
  • Owner, an advanced search option that allows you to filter by Feedback Survey owner.
  • Team, an advanced search option that is available if you have the Teams module, and that allows you to analyse Feedback Responses by Team.




By Month

The By Month section analyses the data by the individual third-party companies who have received Feedback Surveys and by the month in which responses to the Surveys were received. It provides a record of when these Surveys were created and completed, and lists an average response score against the month that each set of responses was received. It is particularly useful where a third-party company completes multiple copies of a Feedback Survey over an extended period of time.

By default, this report includes all companies who have received the selected Feedback Survey. However, the following options are available to enable you to customise the results of this analysis:

  • Owner, which allows you to filter by Feedback Survey owner.
  • Where*, which allows you to specify whether to filter by received date or created date.
  • Is Between/And, which allows you to specify a date range for the analysis.
  • Question, an advanced search option that allows you to filter the data by a specific question within the selected template.
  • Group By Company?*, an advanced search option that allows you to group scores by company, allowing you to easily compare all scores each company has given the selected Feedback Survey over time. By default this is set to ‘No’.
  • Team, an advanced search option that is available if you have the Teams module, and that allows you to analyse Feedback Responses by Team.

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