ISO Certification Tasks

If your package includes the ISO Certification Manager, your Tasks module will include the ISO Certification Task type. This Task type is assigned to the automatically generated Tasks that are associated with the ISO Certification Manager, and also included as a default type within the module’s Settings. Unlike other Task types, the ISO Certification type cannot be removed from your Settings or applied to any Tasks that you or your users create within the system. Only Tasks generated by the ISO Certification Manager can have this Task type.

ISO Certification Tasks behave and are managed in largely the same manner as other Tasks within your system. However, there are a few important differences that you need to be aware of:

  • They are system generated.
  • They cannot be cancelled or deleted.
  • Their summary, type, details, and links cannot be edited.
  • They will be automatically re-scheduled should your ISO Certification Audit dates change.

For more information about the ISO Certification Manager and its associated Tasks, see the ISO Certification Manager User guide.

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