Agreements Manager Alerts, Notifications and Reminders

Activ helps you to manage your agreement audit process through automatic alerts, notices and reminders that are managed in My Details – Notifications.

Your Regular Notifications e-mail includes six items relating to Agreements Manager:

  • Agreements Manager – All Agreement End Dates: Notify me of all Agreements that are approaching their end date
  • Agreements Manager – All Obligation End Dates: Notify me of all Agreements for which the obligations end date is approaching
  • Agreements Manager – My Agreement End Dates: Remind me of Agreements for which I am the Owner that are approaching their end date
  • Agreements Manager – My Audit Sign Offs: Remind me of Audits assigned to me for sign-off that are approaching their due date
  • Agreements Manager – My Evaluations: Remind me of Requirements assigned to me for compliance evaluation that are approaching their due date
  • Agreements Manager – My Obligation End Dates: Notify me of all Agreements for which I am the Owner where the obligations end date is approaching

In Immediate Alerts there are five options:

  • Agreements Manager – E-mail me when a Requirement is assigned to me for compliance evaluation
  • Agreements Manager – E-mail me when an Agreement is assigned to me as Owner
  • Agreements Manager – E-mail me when an Audit is assigned to me for sign-off
  • Agreements Manager – E-mail me when any Agreement for which I am the Owner has an Audit signed off
  • Agreements Manager – E-mail me when any Agreement is modified

In Escalation Report there are three options:

  • Agreements Manager: Audits – Notify me when Audits are overdue
  • Agreements Manager: Evaluations – Notify me when evaluations of compliance against Requirements are overdue

See Notifications – Automated Alerts, Notices and Reminders and Escalation Report for full guidance on this feature.

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