‘System permissions’ is the term that describes the authority that an individual user has to perform actions within different parts of the Activ system. Each individual user’s system permissions are set independently, so that you can perfectly tailor what they can access and do in any part of Activ. See System Permissions for guidance on how to change users’ system permissions.
System Permissions for Agreements Manager are split into two parts: Agreements Manager – Agreements governs permissions for setting up and managing the content of agreements and Agreements Manager – Audits governs permissions for audits of agreements. This split allows you to give access to a wide group of people to use Agreements Manager’s features to conduct audits, while maintaining separate control over access to and management of agreements.
Agreements Manager – Agreements
This governs permissions for the ‘agreements’ areas of Agreements Manager, where agreements are entered and administered.
- None = the user cannot see or access the Agreements
- Read Only = the user can see and access the Agreements tab, allowing them to view the full content of agreements, but they cannot add, delete or modify agreements.
- Edit = as per ‘Read Only’, the user can see and access the Agreements tab, allowing them to view the full content of agreements. They can also add new agreements and modify existing agreements. They cannot delete agreements.
- Admin = as per ‘Edit’, but also able to delete agreements and associated content. In addition, they can see and access the Settings tab, allowing them to configure the parameters of Agreements Manager relating to agreements. (See Settings – Configure Available Parameters and Defaults in Agreements Manager)
Agreements Manager – Audits
This governs permissions for the auditing feature of Agreements Manager, specifically the features of the Audits tab.
- None = the user cannot see or access the Audits tab or the audit-related tabs Linked Improvement Logs, Linked Tasks and Analysis Reports.
- Read Only = the user can see and access the audit-related Their access is limited to viewing audits. They cannot add, delete or modify anything.
- Edit = as per ‘Read Only’, the user can view all audits and related items. In addition, they can set up new audits, assign actions related to that audit, and can themselves act as the auditor and/or sign off audits that are assigned to them. They cannot delete audits.
- Admin = as per ‘Edit’, but also able to assign and perform actions related to any audit, not just audits assigned to them, except for signing off an audit (which can only be done by the named sign off individual). They can also delete any audit prior to it being signed off. In addition, they can see and access the Settings tab, allowing them to configure the parameters of Agreements Manager relating to audits. (See Settings – Configure Available Parameters and Defaults in Agreements Manager)
To re-iterate, ‘Admin’ is the highest level of system permission. A user with ‘Admin’ permissions for an area has the authority to do anything, including deleting.
In organisations where access to the Agreements Manager module is limited to a small group of people, it may be appropriate to give all those users ‘Admin’ permissions for both Agreements Manager – Agreements and Agreements Manager – Audits.
In larger organisations where multiple auditors will use the system, for the majority of people ‘Read Only’ permissions for Agreements Manager – Agreements and ‘Edit’ permissions for Agreements Manager – Audits is suitable. ‘Admin’ permissions are best limited to one or a small number of managers.