Conduct a Formal Effectiveness Assessment

When an Improvement Log is ‘Awaiting Effectiveness Assessment’, the main part of the form is locked; only the effectiveness assessment section of the form is available for editing.  To do this, click on Assess Effectiveness:

The Effectiveness Assessment section of the form opens, allowing you to complete the necessary fields.  If there are any Guidance Notes, these should be taken into account in your assessment.

Assessed As – select the appropriate condition here

Assessor’s Notes – optionally, enter any notes that you wish to include in the assessment record

Click on Save to complete the assessment.

If the Improvement Log is assessed as ‘Effective’ or ‘Partially Effective’, it will automatically move to a status of ‘Closed’.  The complete details of the Improvement Log plus the associated effectiveness assessment are displayed on the Details tab. In addition, a copy of the effectiveness assessment is automatically recorded on the Improvement Log’s Timeline (see Timeline – View the History of an Improvement Log).

If an Improvement Log is Assessed as ‘Not Effective’

If an Improvement Log is assessed as ‘Not Effective’, the assessment fails and the Improvement Log is returned to the Owner for further review.  The status is returned to ‘Under Review’.

The Owner may choose to take no further action.  In that case, they can Edit the ‘Under Review’ Improvement Log, change its status to ‘Closed’, Save and select ‘No’ when prompted to set up an effectiveness assessment.  Alternatively, they may take further action in the light of the effectiveness assessment.  When the Improvement Log is subsequently moved to ‘Closed’ again they will have the option to set up a new, second, effectiveness assessment.

If a second effectiveness assessment is created, the Effectiveness Assessment section of the Improvement Log Details form is cleared in readiness for the new effectiveness assessment to be set up and conducted. However, a copy of the previous Effectiveness Assessment will continue to be viewable within the Improvement Log’s Timeline (see Timeline – View the History of an Improvement Log).

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