System Administration – Overview

The System Administration module is a standard feature of Activ that provides you with a single centralised location from which to manage your system’s core administrative functions. These functions can be divided into four broad categories, which are:

  • Managing system users – add, edit, or disable users and set their system permissions for each module. Note that you also have the option to add Extranet, Third Party, and No-Login Employees.
  • Managing your system’s security settings – configure your system’s security settings to match your security policies. These options include minimum password requirements, timeout settings, token expiry time, MFA settings, and an IP whitelist/blacklist.
  • Managing your company and branding information – update your basic company information (e.g. name, primary contact, and address), brand certain documents with your company logo, and specify the header and footer for system-generated PDF files.
  • Overall system administration – view and manage other administrative areas, such as your deletion log, system billing, usage information, and Activ’s update notices.


This user guide covers the System Administration module’s inbuilt tabs, and provides a brief overview of the key administrative functions found within other modules.




The System Administration module includes up to 10 global tabs, and a combination of your system permissions and Activ package will determine which ones you are able to see. The available tabs are:

Login Permissions – use this area to manage your system users and no-login employees. This tab allows you to add, edit, or disable users (including third party and extranet accounts), and to set each users’ system permissions for Activ. In addition, it allows you to access each individual’s profile, view their access rights, and view automatically updated change logs relating to their details and permissions.

Teams – only available if your package includes the Teams module. Use this tab to create and manage your Team structure, and to specify which users belong to each Team. See the Teams user guide for more information.

Account Settings – summarises your basic company information, as provided when you signed up for Activ. Use this tab to manage parameters such as your company name, address, primary contact, and the email address your invoices should be sent to.

Usage – displays key statistics relating to your system’s use of storage space and number of page views. Use this area to gain an overview of your users’ overall activity, and of your available storage.

Billing – your monthly Activ invoices are accessible here.

Branding – upload a logo for use in your Activ system and specify the header and footer of system-generated PDF files. Note that Activ will automatically display your chosen logo in the top right corner of all of your system’s pages.

System Notices – houses all update notices that have been published since your system’s creation. The MyActiv team runs a programme of continuous improvement and enhancements to Activ, and will inform you of significant changes by email (if you have the appropriate notifications enabled) and by posting an update notice to this tab. The presence of a new update notice is advertised by the appearance of a yellow star against the System Notices option in your main menu.

Checklists – lists all of the ISO Checklists that have been associated with your system, if your system includes the ISO Certification Manager.

Deletion Log – provides an automatically updated audit trail of all items that have been permanently deleted from your Activ system.

Security Settings – allows you to configure your key system-wide security settings, including options such as your minimum password strength and (if needed) your IP whitelist/blacklist. Note that if you use Activ’s IP Whitelist feature, individuals will only be able to access your system if their IP is included in the list. This applies both to your own employees, and to any consultants or members of the MyActiv team who may be supporting your system.




It is important to be aware that access to the System Administration module is controlled by three distinct permissions areas, allowing you to closely control who has access to each administrative function. These areas are:

Administrator – controls access to all tabs excluding the Billing and System Notices tab. Use this area to determine who can view and manage your key administrative information. Note that only users with ‘Admin’ permissions to this area will be able to create users, change/review system permissions, or accept any increases in system costs (e.g. from new users, accepted trials, or increased storage).

Billing – determines which users are able to manage and access the Billing tab. This permission area allows you to provide your financial team with access to your invoices whilst blocking them from the rest of your system’s administrative functions.

System Notices – determines which users are able to manage and access the System Notices tab. If required, you can use this area to provide users with ‘read only’ access to these notices without compromising the rest of your administrative information.



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