Planning Ahead for Future Changes to Legislation – the Legislation Outlook

Activ’s legal team analyses legislation on a daily basis and updates the system in real-time whenever necessary, by:

  • adding new requirements and modifying or revoking existing requirements
  • changing the questions or response options in the compliance questionnaire

In this way, updates to legislation are automatically delivered direct into your Activ system as they come into effect and you can be 100% confident that you’re always up to date.

To supplement the real-time updates, each month we also produce a set of forward-looking briefing documents known as the Legislation Outlook. These are designed to help you plan ahead for the maintenance of legal compliance, and are currently provided for the following countries:

  • The UK
  • Southern Ireland

To ensure that you only receive Legislation Outlooks for the countries that are relevant to your company, Activ will only provide you with the briefings that are tagged to Compliance Areas you have previously selected within your Compliance Audits. This means that (e.g.) if you have only Audited UK compliance areas, you will only receive the UK briefing, but if you have Audited UK and Irish compliance areas then you will receive separate monthly briefings for both the UK and Southern Ireland.

Depending on the current relevant upcoming legislation, these briefings may include:

  • advance warning about upcoming legislation that is applicable for compliance with ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001, and ISO 27001
  • advance warning about any other significant legislation beyond the scope of the Standards covered that is likely to be of relevance to a substantial number of organisations
  • relevant news related to the above-listed standards
  • newly-published guidance and government consultations of relevance

The library of monthly briefings is housed on the Legislation Outlook tab within Legal Compliance Manager:

Click on any item in the library to view it in PDF format on your screen:

If you wish to download the PDF and save it outside of Activ, you can click on Download.  There is also the facility to Share the PDF with a third party.

When a new briefing is published, a yellow star appears against the Legal Compliance Manager module on Activ’s grey menu and on the Legislation Outlook tab within the module.  This yellow star remains until you have viewed the briefing.  You will also receive an e-mail alert from Activ whenever a new Legislation Outlook is published, provided you have selected the appropriate options in My Details – Notifications (see Legal Compliance Manager Alerts and Reminders).

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