Controlling Access to Audits – System Permissions

‘System permissions’ is the term that describes the authority that an individual user has to perform actions within different parts of the Activ system.  Each individual user’s system permissions are set independently, so that you can perfectly tailor what they can access and do in any part of Activ.  See System Permissions for guidance on how to change users’ system permissions.

System Permissions for Audit Manager are split into two parts: Audit Manager – Audits governs permissions for the ‘user end’ of Audit Manager and Audit Manager – Templates governs permissions for the ‘administrator’ features, including template design and management.  This split allows you to give access to a wide group of people to use Audit Manager’s features to conduct audits and analyse the results, while maintaining separate control over audit template design and parameter-setting.

Audit Manager – Audits

This governs permissions for the ‘user end’ of the Audit Manager, namely the features of the Register, Schedules and Analysis Reports tabs.

    • None = the user cannot see or access the three tabs of the ‘user end’ at all.
    • Read Only = the user can see the three tabs and view associated content. Their access is limited to viewing audits, viewing audit schedules and viewing analysis reports.  They cannot add, delete or modify anything.
    • Edit = as per ‘Read Only’, the user can view all audits, audit schedules and analysis reports. In addition, they can set up new audits/audit schedules and modify these, assign audits to others for audit or review, and can themselves act as the Auditor and/or Reviewer in audits.  The only thing they cannot do is delete an audit or audit schedule.
    • Admin = as per ‘Edit’, but also able to delete any audit or audit schedule (prior to review).

Audit Manager – Templates

This governs permissions for the ‘administrator’ areas of the Audit Manager, namely the features of the Templates and Settings tabs.

  • None = the user cannot see or access either of the tabs.
  • Read Only = the user can see and access the Templates tab, allowing them to view the detail of audit templates, but they cannot add, delete or modify templates.
  • Edit = as per ‘Read Only’, the user can access the Templates tab to view the detail of audit templates. They can also add new audit templates and modify existing templates.  They cannot delete audit templates.
  • Admin = as per ‘Edit’, but also able to delete audit templates. In addition, they can see and access the Settings tab, allowing them to configure the parameters of Audit Manager.  (See Audit Manager Settings – Configure Drop-Down Menus in Audit Manager.)

As you can see, ‘Admin’ is the highest level of system permission.  A user with ‘Admin’ permissions for an area has the authority to do anything, including deleting.

In smaller organisations or those where access to the system is limited to a small group of people, it may be appropriate to give all users ‘Admin’ permissions for both Audit Manager – Audits and Audit Manager – Templates.

In larger organisations where multiple auditors will use the system, for the majority of people ‘Edit’ permissions for Audit Manager – Audits and ‘Read Only’ permissions for Audit Manager – Templates is suitable.  ‘Admin’ permissions are best limited to one or a small number of managers.

For larger organisations the Teams function of Activ will give you more options to segregate information effectively.  You can find out more about Teams by contacting us direct.

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