The Legal Compliance Audit Workflow

The workflow of conducting a legal compliance audit in Activ is a simple three-step process:

Step 1 – Set Up: specify the properties of the legal compliance audit to be conducted and save it under a unique name.  See Step 1 – Set Up a New Legal Compliance Audit.

Step 2 – Complete the Questionnaire: work through the audit questionnaire.  Your responses are used by Activ to determine the legal requirements applicable to your organisation.  See Step 2 – Complete the Legal Compliance Audit Questionnaire.

Step 3 – Review, Evaluate and Record: review the legal requirements that apply to your organisation that have been generated based on your questionnaire responses.  For each requirement, evaluate your compliance, record supporting evidence and manage any follow-up actions.  See Step 3 – Review Legal Requirements, Evaluate Compliance and Record Evidence.

You can save and exit at any stage and pick up from where you left off at your convenience.

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