Controlling Access to Legal Compliance Audits – System Permissions

‘System permissions’ is the term that describes the authority that an individual user has to perform actions within different parts of the Activ system.  System Permissions are set at module level (and in some cases at sub-module level).

Each individual user’s system permissions are set independently, so that you can perfectly tailor what they can access and do in any part of Activ.  See System Permissions for guidance on how to change users’ system permissions.

The following is a guide to what each level of system permission will allow a user to do within the Legal Compliance Manager module:

  • None = the user cannot see or access the Legal Compliance Manager module at all
  • Read Only = the user can access the Legal Compliance Manager module, view all audits and their contents, and view all legislation Updates and Legislation Outlook briefings. They cannot add, delete or modify anything.
  • Edit = the user can access the Legal Compliance Manager module, view all audits and their contents, and view all legislation Updates and Legislation Outlook briefings. In addition, they can set up new audits and modify existing audits, including changing questionnaire responses, recording compliance evidence and assigning actions to others.  They can lock a questionnaire (see Lock a Legal Compliance Questionnaire), but cannot unlock a questionnaire locked by someone else.  They cannot finalise an audit (see Finalise a Legal Compliance Audit) and nor can they delete any audit.
  • Admin = as per ‘Edit’, but also able to unlock any questionnaire (regardless of who locked it), finalise any audit and delete any audit (prior to finalisation).

As you can see, ‘Admin’ is the highest level of system permission.  Any user with ‘Admin’ permissions for the Legal Compliance Manager module has the authority to do anything within that module.  In smaller organisations or those where access to the system is limited to a small group of people, it may be appropriate to give all users of the Legal Compliance Manager module ‘Admin’ permissions.  In larger organisations where multiple people will be collaborating, ‘Edit’ permissions are appropriate for most users, restricting ‘Admin’ permissions to just one person or a small number of people. 

For larger organisations the Teams function of Activ will give you more options to segregate information effectively.  You can find out more about Teams by contacting us direct.

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