Edit the Properties and Key Details of a Process

A Process’ properties are divided into two groups of fields:

  • Routine administrative properties (Details, Need to Read, Version Comments Required?, Private?, and Review fields), which can be edited from the Properties
  • Key Details (Code, Summary, Type, Team, Owner), which can be edited from the Details

For convenience, all of these fields can be viewed from a Process’ Properties tab, but they must be edited separately, as outlined below.




Edit the Routine Administrative Properties

To edit a Process’ routine administrative properties (Details, Need to Read, Version Comments Required?, Private?, Review fields), open the Process on its Properties tab and click on the Edit button.

The routine administrative fields will be unlocked for editing.

Make the relevant edits to the Process’ properties, and then click Save.




Edit the Key Details

To edit a Process’ key details (Code, Name, Type, Team, Owner), you will first need to Check the Process Out (see Check Out / Check In a Process). Once you have done so, open the Process on its Details tab and click on the Edit button.

Version is automatically generated and cannot be changed, but all other fields will be unlocked for editing.

Make the relevant changes, and then click Save.

Your changes will be displayed on both the Details and Properties tab. Make any other necessary changes to the Process’ content and structure, and then Check it In to publish your edits (see Check Out / Check In a Process).

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