Deletion Log – Overview

To provide transparency and traceability, Activ automatically logs key data about any items that have been permanently deleted from your system and stores it in a dedicated record known as the Deletion Log. This maintains a record of what was deleted, when, and by whom, providing you with a complete audit trail that can be used to quickly identify who is responsible for removing content from your system. This helps you to demonstrate that you have oversight of content deletion, and may be particularly useful if a record is deleted unexpectedly and you need to trace when the deletion occurred, and who removed it.

Note that the Deletion Log does not store deleted items and cannot be used to retrieve items that were deleted in error, either accidentally or maliciously. It only contains data about deletion activity, allowing you to trace it back to its source. For this reason, it is strongly recommended that you protect your key data by:

  • restricting ‘Admin’ access to modules to specific trusted individuals. ‘Admin’ access provides deletion rights within the corresponding module, so wherever possible most users should not be raised above ‘Edit’.
  • using the PDF and Export functionalities within each module to backup your key records.
  • using the Export Library feature to backup your files.

These steps will help you to reduce the risk of accidental or malicious deletion, and ensure that you have copies of your key records should something be deleted in error.

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